
Composition 6 Leichte Duette, Op. 444 (Abt, Franz) for soprano, alto and piano
female chorus and piano
Contributors L.L. Scaife (translator)
Publisher Boston: G. D. Russell & Co.
License Public Domain
Published 1875
Parts? No
Selections? No
Vocal score? No


Description IMSLP filename Pages
1.The Old Church / Das Kirchlein PMLP299630-Abt_The_Old_Church_Op.444-1.pdf
2. Hither come! / Komm herein! PMLP299630-Abt_Hither_come_Op.444-2.pdf
3. Homeward! / Heimwärts möcht ich ziehen PMLP299630-Abt_Homeward_Op.444-3.pdf
4. O Earth, how art thou so fair / O Welt, wie bist du so schön PMLP299630-Abt_O_Earth,_how_art_thou_so_fair_Op.444-4.pdf
5. Be not afraid / Zage nur nicht PMLP299630-Abt_Be_not_afraid_Op.444-5.pdf
6. Away! / Heraus! PMLP299630-Abt_Away_Op.444-6.pdf
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©2025 David P. Anderson