
Name Harold Rossiter Music Co.
Type Music publisher
Location Chicago


Wedding of the Fairies (Johnson, Charles Leslie)
At the End of the Sunset Trail (Hanson, Ethwell Idair)
At the Five and Ten Cent Store (Walz, Jean)
At the Million Dollar Tango Ball (White, James)
Foolishness Rag (Weinstein, Mort)
Hurricane Rag (Johnson, Frederick G.)
I'm Going Back to Carolina (Downs, Billy)
In Old Ireland Meet Me There (Solman, Alfred)
Mr. Ragtime Whippoorwill (Sievers, Lou)
Now I'll Raise an Army of My Own (Erdman, Ernie)
Oh, You Girl! (Erdman, Ernie)
Ragged Edges (Frey, Otto)
Sail on the Silv'ry Moon (Erdman, Ernie)
Speckled Spider Rag (French, Harry)
Strenuosity (Reiterman, Lewis)
Tell Me that You Love Me (Friedman, Leo)
When Someone Dreams of Someone (Magine, Frank)
Years, Years Ago (Friedman, Leo)
You're the Best Little Mother of All (Friedman, Leo)
Let Me Call You Sweetheart (Friedman, Leo)

©2024 David P. Anderson