Composition: The Psalm-Singer's Jewel (Tans'ur, William)

Title The Psalm-Singer's Jewel
Alternative title The Psalm-Singer's Jewel: or, Useful Companion to the Singing-Psalms. Being, a new Exposition on All the One Hundred and Fifty: with Poetical Precepts to every Psalm. The whole are faithfully explained from Sacred History, from Verse to Verse, for the Use of all Lovers of Psalmody in general. With Expositional Notes, referring to all concording Parts of the Scripture. - Also, An Alphabetical Description of Persons, of Places, and of Thing mentioned in the Old and New Testament; and of Christ, poetically. - With a general Calendar for the adapting of Psalms to all Occasions: And a New Set of Psalm-Tunes, in Three and Four Parts. - With select Hymns, and Doxologies: And a general Key to the whole; for the Use of all Christian Families, &c.
Creators William Tans'ur (composer)
Instrumentation 3 voices
4 voices
mixed chorus
Number of movements
First published 1760
Dedication All Lovers of Psalmody
Tempo markings
Metronome markings
Time signatures
Average duration (sec)
Number of measures
Composition types Dictionaries, Psalms, Hymns
Language English
Period Baroque
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view Complete London: S. Crowder 1760 Complete Book · view


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©2025 David P. Anderson