Description |
IMSLP filename |
Pages |
Apache Medicine Chant |
SIBLEY1802.14285.9d01-39087011973122apache.pdf |
6 |
The Festive Sun-Dance of the Zunis |
SIBLEY1802.14285.931f-39087011973122festive.pdf |
8 |
Indian Fire Drill Song |
SIBLEY1802.14285.b507-39087011973122fire_drill.pdf |
10 |
The Great Rain-Dance of the Zunis |
SIBLEY1802.14285.c84a-39087011973122great_rain.pdf |
14 |
Hunting Song of the Cliffdwellers |
SIBLEY1802.14285.548d-39087011973122hunting.pdf |
8 |
Hymn to the Sun |
SIBLEY1802.14285.a406-39087011973122hymn.pdf |
10 |
Incantation Upon a Sleeping Infant |
SIBLEY1802.14285.050c-39087011973122incantation.pdf |
6 |
Invocation to the Sun-God |
SIBLEY1802.14285.ed6c-39087011973122invocation.pdf |
6 |
Kiowa Apache War Dance |
SIBLEY1802.14285.5f15-39087011973122kiowa.pdf |
12 |
Zuni Lover’s Wooing, or Blanket Song |
SIBLEY1802.14285.dd43-39087011973122lovers.pdf |
6 |
Midnight Visit to the Sacred Shrines |
SIBLEY1802.14285.05ea-39087011973122midnight_visit.pdf |
18 |
The Coming of Montezuma |
SIBLEY1802.14285.2e74-39087011973122montezuma.pdf |
10 |
The Sunrise Call, or Echo Song |
SIBLEY1802.14285.ce8c-39087011973122sunrise_call.pdf |
8 |
Sunset Song |
SIBLEY1802.14285.8851-39087011973122sunset.pdf |
6 |
Two Zunian Melodies |
SIBLEY1802.14285.24cb-39087011973122two_zunian.pdf |
6 |