
Name Theodore Morse Music Co.
Type Music publisher
Location New York


Until You Said Goodbye (Morse, Theodore F.)
Bobbin' Up and Down (Morse, Theodore F.)
Just a Little Ring from You (Morse, Theodore F.)
Another Rag (Morse, Theodore F.)
Arrangement of Another Rag (Morse, Theodore F.) for theater orchestra
Blue Feather (Morse, Theodore F.)
Dear Old Girl (Morse, Theodore F.)
He's a College Boy (Morse, Theodore F.)
Phoebe Jane (Morse, Theodore F.)
That Wonderful Woodland Band (Potter, Bert)
The Jingle of Jungle Joe (Morse, Theodore F.)
When Uncle Joe Plays a Rag On His Old Banjo (Morse, Theodore F.)
Whistling Jim (Morse, Theodore F.)
You Can't Get Away from It (Schwartz, Jean)
The Washington Waddle (Morse, Theodore F.)

©2024 David P. Anderson