Works with Vicente Martín y Soler as composer

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Creators View on IMSLP Key Opus Composed Instrumentation Code
12 Canons Vicente Martín y Soler (composer)
12 Canzonette Italiane accompagnato col cembalo o arpa o chitarra Vicente Martín y Soler (composer) voice and harpsichord
voice and harp
voice and guitar
Harp Sonata in E-flat major Vicente Martín y Soler (composer) E flat major harp and violin
La bella Arsene Vicente Martín y Soler (composer) orchestra
Ifigenia in Aulide Vicente Martín y Soler (composer) and Luigi Serio (librettist) 1778 6 voices and orchestra
Una cosa rara Vicente Martín y Soler (composer) and Lorenzo Da Ponte (librettist) 1786 voices, mixed chorus and orchestra
La capricciosa corretta: opera comica in due atti Vicente Martín y Soler (composer) and Lorenzo Da Ponte (librettist) 1795 voices, mixed chorus and orchestra
Il burbero di buon cuore Vicente Martín y Soler (composer) voices and orchestra
Ballo intitolato I Ratti Sabini Vicente Martín y Soler (composer) 1782 orchestra
L'arbore di Diana Vicente Martín y Soler (composer) and Lorenzo Da Ponte (librettist) 1787 voices, mixed chorus and orchestra
Ipermestra Vicente Martín y Soler (composer) and Pietro Metastasio (librettist) 6 voices and orchestra

©2025 David P. Anderson