Composition: Scottish Songs (Tomlyn, Alfred William)

Title Scottish Songs
Creators Alfred William Tomlyn (composer)
Instrumentation voice and piano
Number of movements 62
First published
Tempo markings
Metronome markings
Time signatures
Average duration (sec)
Number of measures
Composition types Folksongs
Language English
Period Romantic


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Metronome Key Measures
Caller Herrin', Words by Lady Nairne, Music by
Annie Laurie
Logie o' Buchan, Words by G.Halket
There was a lad was born in Kyle, Words by
Duncan Gray, Words by Burns
Mary of Argyle, Words by
Auld Robin Gray, Words by Lady Ann Lindsay
Comin' thro' the Rye, Anonymous
Cam' ye by Athole,
Within a mile o' Edinburgh town, T. Durfey
The Flowers of the Forest, Mrs Cockburn
Afton Water, Burns, A.Hume
Bonnie Dundee, Sir
Scots, wha hae wi' Wallace bled!, Burns
Wae's me for Prince Charlie, Wm Glen, Air : The Gipsy Laddie
Green grow the rashes, O., Burns
Jock o'Hazeldean, Sir Walter Scott
The Laird o' Cockpen, Lady Nairne
The Land o' the Leal, Lady Nairne
Ye Banks and Braes o' bonnie Doon, Burns
John Anderson, my Jo, Burns
The Rowan Tree, Lady Nairne
Gloomy winter's noo awa',
Come under my plaidie, Hector Macneil
Robin Adair
The Bonnie, Bonnie Banks o' Loch Lomon'
My Nannie's awa'!, Burns
There's nae Luck about the House
Of a' the airts the wind can blaw, Burns
My Love she's but a Lassie, Burns
The Scottish Blue Bells, C.D.Sillery, George Barker
Jessie the flower of'Dunblane, Tannahill
Ca' the Yowes to the Knowes, Burns
Roy's Wife o' Aldivalloch, Mrs Grant of Carron, Old Strathspey Melody
The Birks of Aberfeldy, Burns
Mary Morison, Burns
Flora Macdonald's Lament, Hogg, Neil Gow, Junr.
Scotland Yet, H.S Riddle, P. McLeod
A Man's a Man for a' That, Burns
The Hundred Pipers, Lady Nairne
Oh! Whistle and I'll Come to You, Burns
Kate Dalrymple, William Watt
Wandering Willie, Burns
Kelvin Grove, Lyle
Thou Bonnie Wood o' Craigielea, Tannahill, James Barr
Macgregor's Gathering, Sir Walter Scott, Alexander Lee
The Boatie Rows
Bonnie Wee Thing, Burns
Corn Rigs, Burns
O, Nannie wilt thou gang wi' Me, Bishop Percy, Thomas Carter
The Auld House, Lady Nairne
O, Willie Brew'd a Peck o'Maut, Burns
Will ye no' come back again ?, Lady Nairne, Neil Gow, Junr.
Oh! Why Left I my Hame, R.Gilfillan
When the kye comes hame, James Hogg
Gae bring to me a Pint o' Wine, Burns
The Lea Rig, Burns
O Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast, Burns, Mendelssohn
My ain fireside, Hamilton
Ilka Blade o' Grass, James Ballantine
Castles in the Air, James Ballantine
My heart is sair, Burns


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