
Name Milton Weil Music Co.
Type Music publisher
Location Chicago


At the End of a Winding Lane (Jones, Isham)
I Picked the Wrong One to Love (Bloom, Murray)
Insufficient Sweetie (Wells, Gilbert)
It All Happened on a Summer's Night (Kahn, Herman)
Feedin' the Kitty (Bargy, Roy)
Lady of the Nile (Jones, Isham)
My Sweetheart (Kahn, Gustav)
Never Again (Jones, Isham)
Old Virginia Moon (Crawford, Jesse)
Ray and His Little Chevrolet (Grossman, Bernie)
Some Other Day (Jones, Isham)
Arrangement of Spain (Kahn, Gustav) for piano
Tell Me Dreamy Eyes (Spitalny, Phil)
The One I Love (Jones, Isham)
Tie Me to Your Apron String Again (Shay, Larry)
What Do We Care if It's One O'Clock (Goodwin, Joe)
Unfortunate Blues (Winston, Henry)
Arrangement of Unfortunate Blues (Winston, Henry) for theater orchestra

©2024 David P. Anderson