Works with William R. Shannon as composer

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Creators View on IMSLP Key Opus Composed Instrumentation Code
Two Scenes from the Amargosa William R. Shannon (composer) 1984 piano
Tableau alla Bachiana for Cello and Electronic Sounds William R. Shannon (composer) 1993 cello and tape
Aria for Trombone and Tape William R. Shannon (composer) 1983 trombone and tape
Selections of Tape Music William R. Shannon (composer) tape
Horn Tortillas William R. Shannon (composer) 4 horns
Tonus for Horn William R. Shannon (composer) 1978 horn and bass
horn and tape
horn and electronic sounds
A Little Atonal Solo for Horn William R. Shannon (composer) 2012 horn
Ambient Circles William R. Shannon (composer) 1976 5 percussions
'A' for DX7 William R. Shannon (composer) 1986 synthesizer
Sequentia for DX7II William R. Shannon (composer) 1988 synthesizer
Interlude for DX7II William R. Shannon (composer) 1988 synthesizer
'4-4-8' Claves Quartet William R. Shannon (composer) 2004 4 percussions
Supplementary Materials for Basic Music Skills William R. Shannon (composer) 5th edition
The Night Train William R. Shannon (composer) 2016 synthesizer and orchestra

©2025 David P. Anderson