Works with folk song as librettist

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Creators View on IMSLP Key Opus Composed Instrumentation Code
Drømte mig en drøm i nat Brian Stenger Poulsen (composer) and folk song (librettist) soprano, 6 altos and bass
soprano, 6 tenors and bass
mixed chorus
O wär' mein Lieb ein Brünnlein kalt Franz Behr (composer) and folk song (librettist)
Wiegenlied 'Schlaf, Kindlein, balde' Max Reger (composer) and folk song (librettist) no opus number assigned 1909 voice and piano
Von der Wanderschaft zurück! Carl Heins (composer) and folk song (librettist) piano
Pod jaworem Mieczysław Karłowicz (composer) and folk song (librettist)
Barbara Allen, The Ballad of Edgar Girtain IV (composer) and folk song (librettist) D major 2017 tenor and violin
The Cuckoo in the Grove Scottish Folk Songs (composer) and folk song (librettist) voice
2 Duets Sergey Prokofiev (composer) and folk song (librettist) Op.106 1945 tenor, baritone and piano
Sul rifugio bianco di neve Mario Macchi (composer) and folk song (librettist) F major 1972 mixed chorus
La pastora Claudio Macchi (composer) and folk song (librettist) F major 1996 mixed chorus
Monte nero Mario Macchi (composer) and folk song (librettist) E flat major 1972
Guarda la luna Antonio Illersberg (composer) and folk song (librettist) F minor
Hangangsu Taryông Hee Cheol Kim (composer) and folk song (librettist) 1994
Trzy pieśni ludowe polskie na dwa głosy żeńskie (albo chór żeński) i fortepian Zygmunt Noskowski (composer) and folk song (librettist) Op.10 soprano, alto and piano
female chorus and piano
Der reitende Bäckergesell Franz Willms (composer) and folk song (librettist) F major male chorus

©2025 David P. Anderson