Works with Charles Mackay as librettist

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Creators View on IMSLP Key Opus Composed Instrumentation Code
Tubal Cain Thomas Dunhill (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) D major Op.15 1903 mixed chorus and orchestra
There's a Good Time Coming Stephen Foster (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) B flat major 1846 voice and piano
Who Shall be Fairest? Frank Mori (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) B flat major voice and piano
There's a Good Time Coming Hutchinson Family Singers (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) A major
There's a Land Frances Allitsen (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) voice and piano
I love my love Arthur Foote (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) 1892 male chorus
Be Quiet Do, I'll Call My Mother John Rogers Thomas (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) G major voice, male chorus and piano
I love my love Alfred Humphries Pease (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) A flat major voice and piano
Cheer Boys Cheer Henry Russell (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) F major voice and piano
The Rapid Stream Edward Elgar (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) F major 1932 unison chorus and piano
The Woodland Stream Edward Elgar (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) E flat major 1932 unison chorus and piano
2 voices and piano
When Swallows Fly Edward Elgar (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) A flat major 1932 childrens chorus and piano
unison chorus and piano
The Dream of the Reveller Henry Russell (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) B flat major voice and piano
Wind of the Winter Night Henry Russell (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) E flat major voice and piano
The Ship on Fire Henry Russell (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) E flat major voice and piano
Resignation Henry Russell (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) B flat major voice and piano
Far, Far Upon the Sea! Henry Russell (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) C major voice and piano
Some Love to Roam O'er the Dark Sea Foam Henry Russell (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) G major voice and piano
The Merry Spring Henry Russell (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) F major voice and piano
Our Way Across the Mountains, Ho! Henry Russell (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) A major voice and piano
The Gin Fiend Henry Russell (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) voice and piano
I Love My Love W. H. J. Graham (composer) and Charles Mackay (librettist) voice and piano

©2025 David P. Anderson