Composition | Madrigali concertati, Op. 5 (Merula, Tarquinio) for 4 voices and continuo 5 voices and continuo 6 voices and continuo 7 voices and continuo 8 voices and continuo |
Contributors | — |
Publisher | Venetia: Alessandro Vincenti |
Languages | — |
License | Public Domain |
Published | 1624 |
Edition | — |
Parts? | Yes |
Selections? | No |
Vocal score? | No |
Description | IMSLP filename | Pages |
Incomplete parts (Canto, Tenore, Basso, Quinto, Continuo) | PMLP696698-I-Bc_AA.296_M-2346_Merula_T_-_Madrigali_concertati,_Primo_libro,_Opera_quinta_(1624).pdf | — |
©2025 David P. Anderson