
Name New York: William A. Pond & Co.
Type Music publisher


Arrangement of Selections from Fatinitza (Suppé, Franz von) for piano 4 hands
Restless Wavelets (Adams, William P.)
Nuovi solfeggi progressivi (Crescentini, Girolamo)
Ivy Leaves (Maylath, Henry)
Potpourri on 'The Sea Cadet' (Maylath, Henry)
Siciliana (Maylath, Henry)
Technical Piano Studies (Maylath, Henry)
Arrangement of Galop hongroise (Maylath, Henry) for piano 4 hands
Chorus from 'I Lombardi' (Maylath, Henry)
Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken (Thomas, John Rogers)
God Bless Us Every One (Thomas, John Rogers)
Just As I Am! (Thomas, John Rogers)
Loved Ones Far Away (Thomas, John Rogers)
My 'Good for Nothing' (Thomas, John Rogers)
O Come, Buy My Blossoms (Thomas, John Rogers)
O! Sweet Be Thy Repose (Thomas, John Rogers)
Oh! Let Me Shed One Silent Tear (Thomas, John Rogers)
Our Noble Chief Has Passed Away (Thomas, John Rogers)
Our Wandering Ships (Thomas, John Rogers)
Strangers No More (Thomas, John Rogers)
That Song of Thine (Thomas, John Rogers)
Oh Fare Thee Well Mine Own Love (Thomas, John Rogers)

©2024 David P. Anderson