
Composition Songs from My Experience of Life or God 2 (Li, Cheng-Shiun) for voices and piano
mixed chorus and piano
Publisher Cheng-Shiun Li
License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
Published 2017
Parts? No
Selections? No
Vocal score? No


Description IMSLP filename Pages
1. 領我不斷向前 (Leading me going forward) PMLP798719-Leading_me_going_forward.pdf
2. 仰望、相信主 (Look up and believe God) PMLP798719-Look_up_and_believe_God.pdf
3. 送別的淚水,是自己的私藏 (Tears for saying goodbye is my own collection) PMLP798719-Tears_for_saying_goodbye_is_my_own_collectioln.pdf
4. 高雄氣爆那一夜 (The explosion at night in Kaohsiung) PMLP798719---------_-_Score.pdf
5. 遵行神的話語 (Obey God's word) PMLP798719-------_-_Score.pdf
6. 讓我再一次遇見你 (Let me meet You again) PMLP798719-Let_me_meet_You_again.pdf
7. 愛你的心,願永不更移 (May I never changed the heart of loving You) PMLP798719-May_I_never_changed_the_heart_of_loving_You_-_Score.pdf
8. 給我一雙愛的眼睛 (Giving me a pair of loving eyes) PMLP798719-Giving_me_a_pair_of_loving_eyes_-_Score.pdf
9. 單單愛你,單單跟隨你 (Loving and following You only) PMLP798719-Loving_and_following_You_only.pdf
10. 期待著 (Looking forward) PMLP798719-Looking_forward.pdf
11. 無奈。徘徊 (Helpless and Wander) PMLP798719------_-_Score.pdf
12. 那一段大學的時光 (That period of college time) PMLP798719-That_period_of_college_time-_Score.pdf
13. 不停讚美 (Never Stop Praising) PMLP798719-Never_stop_praising_-_Score.pdf
14. 跟隨使徒教訓 (Following the apostle's lesson) PMLP798719-Following_the_apostle's_lesson_-_Score.pdf
15. 大自然等你探尋 (Nature is waiting for you to explore) PMLP798719-Nature_is_waiting_for_you_to_explore_-_Score.pdf
16. 嚮往那美麗的家鄉 (Longing for the sweet hometown) PMLP798719-Longing_for_the_sweet_hometown-_Score.pdf
17. 夏天的女孩 (Girls in summer) PMLP798719-Girls_in_summer_-_Score.pdf
18. 復興空難 ("Fu-Shing" Air Crash) PMLP798719-"Fu-Shing"_Air_Crash_-_Score.pdf
19. 弟兄聚集,何等甘甜 (How sweet brothers gathering is) PMLP798719-How_sweet_brothers_gathering_is_-_Score.pdf
20. 親愛弟兄,當專一注視耶穌 (Dear brothers we should gaze at Jesus exclusively) PMLP798719-Dear_brothers_we_should_gaze_at_Jesus_exclusively_-_Score.pdf
21. 讓我看明 (Let me see clearly) PMLP798719-Let_me_see_clearly_-_Score.pdf
22. 睡了,睡了 (Sleep, Sleep) PMLP798719-Sleep,_Sleep_-_Score.pdf
23. 嶺上彩虹 (Rainbow over the Chenk-Kung Hill) PMLP798719-Rainbow_over_the_Chenk-Kung_Hill_-_Score.pdf
24. 青春的吶喊 (The shouts of youth) PMLP798719-The_shouts_of_youth_-_Score.pdf
25. 直至水起船過 (Calling till Water Boating) PMLP798719-Calling_till_Water_Boating.pdf
26. 靠主渡日 (Rely on the Lord to spend everyday) PMLP798719-Rely_on_the_Lord_to_spend_everyday.pdf
27. 是祢的手,還牽著我 (It's Your hands still holding me up) PMLP798719-It's_Your_hands_still_holding_me_up_-_Score.pdf
28. 享受主並盡功用 (Enjoy the Lord and do your best) PMLP798719-Enjoy_the_Lord_and_do_your_best_-_Score.pdf
29. 受傷的鴿子 (Injured pigeon) PMLP798719-Injured_pigeon_-_Score.pdf
30. 復興空難之二 ("Fu-Shing" Air Crash 2) PMLP798719-"Fu-Shing"_Air_Crash_2.pdf
31. 萬有的供應者 (The supplier of all creatures) PMLP798719-The_supplier_of_all_creatures_-_Score.pdf
32. 共偕人生 (Altogether life) PMLP798719-Altogether_life.pdf
33. 應當儆心,不要逃避 (We should alert and not to escape) PMLP798719-We_should_alert_and_not_to_escape.pdf
34. 榮耀願景 (Glory Vision) PMLP798719-Glory_Vision_-_Score.pdf
35. 不失去盼望 (Don't lose hope) PMLP798719-Don;t_lose_hope_-_Score.pdf
36. 香港回歸後 (After the return of Hong Kong) PMLP798719-After_the_return_of_Hong_Kong_-_Score.pdf
37. 我在盼望你的回來 (I am longing for Your coming back) PMLP798719-I_am_longing_for_Your_coming_back_-_Score.pdf
38. 神必領你走出死蔭幽谷 (God will lead you out of the shadow of death) PMLP798719-God_will_lead_you_out_of_the_shadow_of_death_-_Score.pdf
39. 福份佳音 (Blessings and good news) PMLP798719-Blessings_and_good_news_-_Score.pdf
40. 人生不後悔 (No regrets in life) PMLP798719-No_regrets_in_life_-_Score.pdf
41. 給我親愛的朋友 (To my dear friends) PMLP798719-To_my_dear_friends_-_Score.pdf
42. 祭司事奉 (Priest Service) PMLP798719-Priest_Service_-_Score.pdf
43. 完全奉獻 (Full dedication) PMLP798719-----(Full_dedication)_-_Score.pdf
44. 為了你 (For You) PMLP798719-For_You_-_Score.pdf
45. 來聽、來看 (Come listen and watch) PMLP798719-Come_listen_and_watch.pdf
46. 每當軟弱至極 (Whenever I am extremely weak) PMLP798719-Whenever_I_am_extremely_weak.pdf
47. 筆下的世界 (The world under the pen) PMLP798719-The_world_under_the_pen.pdf
48. 耶穌引領你短短人生路 (Jesus introduce your short life way) PMLP798719----------(Jesus_introduce_your_short_life_way)_-_Score.pdf
49. 別逃避,相信奇蹟還會降臨 (Don't escape, and believe miracles will come) PMLP798719-------------(Don't_escape_and_believe_miracles_will_come_)_-_Score.pdf
50. 期待找到上帝所說的新故鄉 (Looking forward to finding the new home God said) PMLP798719-------------(Looking_forward_to_finding_the_new_home_God_said)_-_Score.pdf
51. 快來、快來 (Come quickly, come quickly) PMLP798719------(Come_quickily)_-_Score.pdf
52. 勇敢去過每一天 (Be brave everyday) PMLP798719--------(Be_brave_everyday)_-_Score.pdf
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