
Composition Musicalische Seelenlust, Teil 2 (Michael, Tobias) for soprano and continuo
alto and continuo
tenor and continuo
bass and continuo
2 voices and continuo
voice, flute and continuo
voice, 2 violins and continuo
3 voices, bassoon and continuo
voice, 2 recorders, trombone and continuo
2 voices, 2 violins and continuo
2 voices, recorder, bassoon, trombone and continuo
2 voices, flute, bassoon, violin and continuo
2 voices, flute, trombone, violin and continuo
5 voices, 2 cornetts, 3 trombones, 2 violins and continuo
5 voices, mixed chorus and continuo
5 voices, mixed chorus, continuo and 5 Unspecified instruments
5 voices, mixed chorus, flute, recorder, bassoon, 2 trombones and continuo
5 voices, mixed chorus, 2 recorders, 3 trombones and continuo
5 voices, mixed chorus, 2 recorders, bassoon, 2 trombones, 2 violins and continuo
3 voices, bassoon, 2 trombones, violin and continuo
6 voices, 3 cornetts, 3 trombones and continuo
4 voices, mixed chorus and continuo
5 voices, mixed chorus, 2 cornetts, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, 2 violins and continuo
5 voices, mixed chorus, 4 cornetts, 2 trumpets, trombone and continuo
5 voices, mixed chorus, 2 cornetts, 2 trumpets, 2 violins, 3 viols and continuo
5 voices, mixed chorus, 4 cornetts, 2 trumpets, 3 viols and continuo
4 voices, mixed chorus, bassoon, 2 trumpets and continuo
6 voices, 2 flutes, bassoon, trombone and continuo
Publisher Johann Franckens sel. Erben
License Public Domain
Parts? Yes
Selections? No
Vocal score? No


Description IMSLP filename Pages
Prima Vox PMLP809477-michael_musicalischer_seelenlust_teil2_456203931_1.pdf
Secunda Vox PMLP809477-michael_musicalischer_seelenlust_teil2_456203931_2.pdf
Tertia Vox PMLP809477-michael_musicalischer_seelenlust_teil2_456203931_3.pdf
Quarta Vox PMLP809477-michael_musicalischer_seelenlust_teil2_456203931_4.pdf
Quinta Vox PMLP809477-michael_musicalischer_seelenlust_teil2_456203931_5.pdf
Continuo PMLP809477-michael_musicalischer_seelenlust_teil2_456203931_bc.pdf
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©2025 David P. Anderson