
Composition Songs from My Experience of Life or God (Li, Cheng-Shiun)
Synthesized? Yes
License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0


Description Name
1. 當趁年幼紀念造你主 (When you commemorate the Lord's day) PMLP558805-當趁年幼紀念造你主.mp3
2. 深哉、深哉 (Deep holy, Holy deep) PMLP558805-深哉、深哉.mp3
3. 是祢帶來春天的訊息 (You bring a message of spring) PMLP558805-是你帶來春天的訊息.mp3
4. 神樂意住在聖民中間 (God is willing to live with the Saints) PMLP558805-神樂意住在聖民中間.mp3
5. 祈願世界和平 (May the World have Peace) PMLP558805-祈願世界和平.mp3
6. 人生不過轉眼之間 (Life is passed by quickly) PMLP558805-人生不過轉眼之間.mp3
7. 主啊,我要來到你面前 (Lord, I Come to Thee) PMLP558805-主啊,我要來到你面前.mp3
8. 信靠 (Trust in You) PMLP558805-信靠.mp3
9. 別再迷失,回到父家 (Don't Be Lost and Return Father's Home) PMLP558805-別再迷失,回到父家.mp3
10. 深夜工作並不孤獨 (Working at Night is Not Alone) PMLP558805-深夜工作並不孤獨.mp3
11. 世上的一切是為了你 (All Things in the World are for You) PMLP558805-世上的一切是為了你.mp3
12. 深處的呼求,主必不輕看 (Calling in Deep, Lord Shall Listen) PMLP558805-深處的呼求,主必不輕看.mp3
13. 向神鼓掌 (Clap Your Hands) PMLP558805-Clap_your_hands..mp3
14. 百年國慶歌 (To Celebrate Republic of China's Centennial) PMLP558805-百年國慶歌.mp3
15. 小黃鴨 (Little Yellow Duck) PMLP558805-小黃鴨.mp3
16. 別了青青校園 (Goodbye, My Mother School) PMLP558805-別了青青校園.mp3
17. 家庭的和樂繫於你 (A Family's Happiness Depends on You) PMLP558805-家庭的和樂繫於你.mp3
18. 孩子快來到父親這裡 (Child, Come to Your Father Quickly) PMLP558805-孩子快來到父親這裡.mp3
19. 美麗的想望-你我相遇 (A Wonderful Thought-You Come to Me) PMLP558805-美麗的想望-你我相遇.mp3
20. 吸引的愛 (Atractive Love) PMLP558805-吸引的愛.mp3
21. 請來一同主觀的經歷 (Come to Experience with God Subjectively) PMLP558805-請來一同主觀的經歷.mp3
22. 天父仍在那裏 (Heavenly Father is Still There) PMLP558805-天父仍在那裏.mp3
23. 引我更親近你 (Drawing Me Close to You More) PMLP558805-引我更親近你.mp3
24. 世間愛情不能滿足你 當來尋求神 (Love from God can Satisfy You Truly) PMLP558805-世間愛情不能滿足你當來尋求神.mp3
25. 人生風景 (Life's View) PMLP558805-人生風景.mp3
26. 耶穌平靜內心波濤 (Jesus Calm You Down) PMLP558805-耶穌平靜內心波濤.mp3
27. 凱道前,有你我的身影 (You and Me are on the street "Ketagalan Blvd.") PMLP558805-凱道前,有你我的身影.mp3
28. 主啊,我不願... (Lord, I don't want to...) PMLP558805-主阿,我不願.mp3
29. 主,你記念愛你服 (Lord, Remember a Servant) PMLP558805-主,你記念愛你服事你的人.mp3
30. 惟有耶穌是人拯救 (Only the name of Jesus is the salvation of people) PMLP558805-惟有耶穌是人拯救.mp3
31. 朋友 (A friend) PMLP558805-朋友.mp3
32. 親愛弟兄們,我們今日聚集 (Dear brothers, we meet together) PMLP558805-親愛弟兄們,我們今日聚集.mp3
33. 如果我不像從前的我 (If I don't like as before) PMLP558805-如果我不像從前的我.mp3
34. 生命需要方向 (Life needs a direction) PMLP558805-生命需要方向.mp3
35. 向你獻上感謝 (Thanks to You) PMLP558805-向你獻上感謝.mp3
36. 今生有你,是我最大福氣 (You are My Great Blessing!) PMLP558805-今生有你,是我最大的福氣.mp3
37. 感謝你將我罪債清除 (Thanks for You Clear all My Debts of Sins) PMLP558805-感謝你將我罪債清除.mp3
38. 感恩歌 (A song "Thanks") PMLP558805-感恩歌.mp3
39. 愛你的心 永不更移 (A heart of loving You will never change) PMLP558805-愛你的心,永不更移.mp3
40. 我是一隻快樂的小鳥 (I am a Happy Bird) PMLP558805-我是一隻快樂的小鳥.mp3
41. 我們的神,他是美善 (Our God is Good) PMLP558805-我們的神,他是美善.mp3
42. 接觸主自己,吸取主自己 (Touching and Breathing the Lord Himself) PMLP558805-接觸主自己,吸取主自己.mp3
43. 甜蜜的愛戀 (In Love sweetly) PMLP558805-甜蜜的愛戀.mp3
44. 轉向他並同聚集 (Turn to Him and gather together) PMLP558805-轉向他並同聚集.mp3
45. 神啊!我向你生發感謝的心 (Oh God! I have a thankful heart to you) PMLP558805-神啊!我向你生發感謝的心.mp3
46. 狂風起 驟雨行 (Wind was Violent and Rain was Tremendous) PMLP558805-狂風起,驟雨行.mp3
47. 叮叮噹, 鈴聲多響亮 (Jingle Bells, Rings are Loud) PMLP558805-叮叮噹,鈴聲多響亮.mp3
48. 小朋友,我們一同走過 (Children, we had gone together) PMLP558805-小朋友,我們一同走過.mp3
49. 奇妙的愛 (Wonder Love) PMLP558805-奇妙的愛.mp3
50. 耶穌住我裡 (Jesus Lives Inside of Me) PMLP558805-耶穌住我裡.mp3
51. 愛,不僅是... (Love is not only...) PMLP558805-愛,不僅是.mp3
52. 讓耶穌的愛融化你的心 (Jesus warms your heart up) PMLP558805-讓耶穌的愛融化你冰冷的心.mp3
53. 求你賜下新心新靈 (May You give us new heart and spirit) PMLP558805-求你賜下新心新靈.mp3
54. 我相信在這有你 (I believe You are here) PMLP558805-我相信在這有你.mp3
55. 神願意與人同住 (God would like dwelling with us) PMLP558805-神願意與人同住.mp3
56. 孩子 (Child) PMLP558805-孩子.mp3
57. 天天親近你,天天都開心 (Close to You, feel happy everyday) PMLP558805-天天親進你,天天都開心.mp3
58. 因為有你主耶穌 (Because of You, Jesus.) PMLP558805-因為有你主耶穌.mp3
59. 天父愛我,細心照料我 (Heavenly Father loves, takes cares of me) PMLP558805-天父愛我,細心照料我.mp3
60. 失去了妳 (Losing You) PMLP558805-失去了妳.mp3
61. 努力過人生 (To Live Hardly) PMLP558805-努力過人生.mp3
62. 吸引我 (Attracting Me) PMLP558805-吸引我.mp3
63. 別忘了,心中感恩 (Don't forget to thank in the heart) PMLP558805-別忘了,心中感恩.mp3
64. 是怎樣的愛 (What's kind of love) PMLP558805-是怎樣的愛.mp3
65. 心中思念我主我王 (Memory my Lord in the heart) PMLP558805-心中思念我主我王.mp3
66. 與主交通親密 (Talk with my Lord closely) PMLP558805-與主交通親密.mp3
67. 給自己空間,讓心自由飛翔 (Stop, and let your heart free) PMLP558805-給自己空間,讓心自由飛翔.mp3
68. 人生短暫 (Life is Short) PMLP558805-人生短暫.mp3
69. 我只是個大男孩 (I am just a big boy) PMLP558805-我只是個大男孩.mp3
70. 親愛弟兄們,應當喜樂歡騰 (Dear brothers, be joyful) PMLP558805-親愛弟兄們,應當喜樂歡騰.mp3
71. 人的靈 (The spirit of human) PMLP558805-人的靈.mp3
72. 想念 (Missing) PMLP558805-想念.mp3
73. 期待你來臨 (I eager your coming) PMLP558805-期待你來臨.mp3
74. 我願停留 (I would stay) PMLP558805-我願停留.mp3
75. 奔跑屬天賽程 (Run the Heavenly game) PMLP558805-奔跑屬天賽程.mp3
76. 我的思念 (My memory) PMLP558805-我的思念.mp3
77. 神定的次序 (God's order) PMLP558805-神定的次序.mp3
78. 跟隨榜樣,行走你路 (Follow the model, and go Your way) PMLP558805-跟隨榜樣,行走你路.mp3
79. 祢的預備,使我穩妥 (Your preparing makes me safe) PMLP558805----------.mp3
80. 交托、相信、倚靠 (Entrusted, believing, and relying) PMLP558805---------.mp3
81. 下著雨的夜晚 (A rainy night) PMLP558805-------.mp3
82. 願成為馨香的祭 (Would like to be a fragrant sacrifice) PMLP558805--------.mp3
83. 說服自己 (Persuade yourself) PMLP558805-----.mp3
84. 您的聖徒 (Your saints) PMLP558805-----.mp3
85. 一首曲調口中哼 (Hum a tune) PMLP558805--------.mp3
86. 貼緊你心,永不再他尋 (Close to Your heart, never find others) PMLP558805-Close_to_Your_heart,_never_find_others.mp3
87. 與眾不同的我 (Unique) PMLP558805-Unique.mp3
88. 跟隨 (Following) PMLP558805-Following.mp3
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