Composition | Musicalischer Andachten, Teil 2 (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 4 voices and continuo 5 voices and continuo 5 voices 6 voices and continuo 6 voices |
Contributors | Klaas Spijker (editor) |
Publisher | Klaas Spijker |
Languages | — |
License | Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 |
Published | 2019 |
Edition | — |
Parts? | No |
Selections? | No |
Vocal score? | No |
Description | IMSLP filename | Pages |
I. O ich elender Sünder | PMLP971230-hammerschmidt-MAII.I-O_ich_elender_Sünder.pdf | — |
V. Wer ein tugendsames Weib hat | PMLP971230-hammerschmidt-MAII.V-Wol_dem,_der_ein_tugendsames_Weib_hat.pdf | — |
©2025 David P. Anderson