Composition: Suite nach Friedrich Hebbel, Op. 23 (Niemann, Walter)

Title Suite nach Worten von Friedrich Hebbel
Alternative title Suite composed to words by Friedrich Hebbel
Creators Walter Niemann (composer)
Opus Op.23
Instrumentation piano
Number of movements
Keys #Präludium. Durch Sturm und Regen (Prelude. (Mid rain and tempest) (D minor) #Idylle. Genoveva an der Quelle (Idyl. Genevieve of the brook) (F major) #Ballade. Die Heide (Ballad. On the heath) (D minor) #Romanze. Im Frühling (Romance. In the spring) (F major) #Notturno. Abendgefühl (Nocturne. Evening thoughts) (D major)
First published 1912
Dedication Joseph Pembaur Jr.
Tempo markings
Metronome markings
Time signatures
Average duration (sec)
Number of measures
Composition types Suites
Period Romantic


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