Composition: Madrigali et arie per sonare et cantare, Book 2 (Ghizzolo, Giovanni)

Title Madrigali et arie per sonare et cantare - Libro secondo
Alternative title Il secondo libro de Madrigali et arie a una et due voci per sonare & cantare nel chitarone, liuto, ò clavicembalo. Di Giovanni Ghizzolo. Con duoi dialoghi, & un canto di sirene con la risposta di Nettuno. Opera sesta
Creators Giovanni Ghizzolo (composer)
Opus Op.6
Instrumentation soprano and guitar
soprano and lute
harpsichord and soprano
soprano and continuo
guitar, soprano and bass
soprano, bass and lute
soprano, bass and harpsichord
soprano, bass and continuo
soprano, tenor and guitar
soprano, tenor and lute
soprano, tenor and harpsichord
soprano, tenor and continuo
2 sopranos, bass and guitar
2 sopranos, bass and lute
2 sopranos, bass and harpsichord
2 sopranos, bass and continuo
Number of movements 26
First published 1610
Tempo markings
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Time signatures
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Number of measures
Composition types Madrigals, Arias, Canzonettas
Language Italian
Period Baroque
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©2025 David P. Anderson