Works by August Gottlieb Meissner as librettist

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Creators IMSLP Key Opus Composed Instrumentation Code
Efteråt Halfdan Kjerulf (composer) and August Gottlieb Meissner (librettist) View HK 163 1859 voice and piano
Lob der Musik Joseph Schuster (composer) and August Gottlieb Meissner (librettist) View voice and orchestra
voice and piano
Auswahl maurerischer Gesänge Various (composer) and Johann Gottfried Herder (librettist) and Ludwig Christoph Heinrich Hölty (librettist) and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (librettist) and August Gottlieb Meissner (librettist) and Matthias Claudius (librettist) and Elisa von der Recke (librettist) and Christoph August Tiedge (librettist) and Samuel Gottlieb Bürde (librettist) and Friedrich von Matthisson (librettist) and August von Kotzebue (librettist) and Maria Mnioch (librettist) View voice and keyboard
voices and keyboard
soprano, alto, tenor and bass
voice, mixed chorus and keyboard
voices, mixed chorus and keyboard
Sophonisbe Christian Gottlob Neefe (composer) and August Gottlieb Meissner (librettist) View voices, mixed chorus and orchestra
Arsene Franz Seydelmann (composer) and August Gottlieb Meissner (librettist) View voices, mixed chorus and orchestra

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