Composition |
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Libera me, K.54 (Fux, Johann Joseph) for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and continuo |
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O Jesu Dulcissime (Tunder, Franz) for 2 violins, continuo and bass |
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Salve coelestis pater (Tunder, Franz) for bass, violin and continuo |
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Iste sanctus pro lege Dei (Foggia, Francesco) for 3 voices and continuo |
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Ich lasse dich nicht, BWV Anh.159 (Bach, Johann Sebastian) for 2 sopranos, 2 altos, 2 tenors and 2 basses 2 mixed chorus |
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Kommet her zu mir alle, die ihr mühselig und beladen seid (Weckmann, Matthias) for bass, 2 violins, 3 viols and continuo |
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Dominus illuminatio mea (Tunder, Franz) for 5 voices, 2 violins and continuo mixed chorus, 2 violins and continuo |
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Da mihi Domine (Tunder, Franz) for bass, 2 violins, 2 violas, violone and continuo |
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Cantate Domino canticum novum, BuxWV 12 (Buxtehude, Dietrich) for 2 sopranos, bass and continuo |
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Unsere Trübsal die zeitlich und leicht ist, JLB 33 (Bach, Johann Ludwig) for mixed chorus 2 sopranos, alto, 2 tenors and bass |
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Der Gerechte, ob er gleich (Bach, Johann Christoph) for 5 voices and continuo |
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Erforsche mich, Gott (Knüpfer, Sebastian) for 2 sopranos, 2 altos, 2 tenors, 2 basses and continuo 2 mixed chorus and continuo |
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Sonata à 5 in C major, Düben IMHS 5:09 (Pohle, David) for bassoon, 2 violins, 2 violas and continuo |
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Sonata à 5 in C major, Düben IMHS 5:10 (Pohle, David) for 2 violins, 2 violas, violone and continuo 2 violins, 2 violas, cello and continuo |
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Sonata à 4 in C major (Theile, Johann) for bassoon, trombone, 2 violins and continuo |
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14 Sonatas, Op. 3 (Scherer, Sebastian Anton) for 2 violins, viol and continuo bassoon, 2 violins and continuo |
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In te Domine speravi (Schieferdecker, Johann Christian) for tenor, violin and continuo |
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Halt, was du hast, TWV 8:9 (Telemann, Georg Philipp) for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and continuo mixed chorus and continuo |
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Suite in D minor (Bernhard, Christoph) for violin and viol |
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Sonata à 5 in C major (Löwe, Johann Jacob) for 2 violins, viola, violone and continuo |
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Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas (Zeutschner, Tobias) for alto, tenor, bass, 2 violins and continuo |
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Variations for 2 Violins in D major (Cazzati, Maurizio) for 2 violins and continuo |
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Variations for 2 Violins in E-flat major (Cazzati, Maurizio) for 2 violins and continuo |
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Dialogus a due voci (Bart, Guillaume) for 2 violins, viola and continuo |
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Sonata à 4 in G minor (Bach, Johann Michael) for violin, 2 violas and continuo |
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Trio Sonata in F major, S-Uu 8:7 (Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich) for 2 violins and continuo |
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Sonata à 3 in G major, S-Uu 8:12 (Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich) for 2 violins, viol and continuo trombone, 2 violins and continuo |
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Was betrübst du dich meine Seele (Theile, Johann) for alto, 3 violas, violone and continuo alto, bassoon, 3 violas and continuo |
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Gott hilf mir denn das Wasser (Theile, Johann) for 2 sopranos, alto, tenor, bass, 4 violas, violone and continuo 2 sopranos, alto, tenor, bass, strings and continuo |
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Jesu mein Herr und Gott allein (Theile, Johann) for soprano, 2 viols and continuo |
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Die Seele Christi heilige mich (Theile, Johann) for soprano, violin, 2 viols and continuo soprano, violin, 2 violas and continuo soprano, 3 violas and continuo soprano, 3 viols and continuo |
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Befiehl dem Engel daß er komm', BuxWV 10 (Buxtehude, Dietrich) for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, 2 violins and continuo soprano, alto, tenor, bass, 2 violins, violone and continuo |
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Der Herr ist mit mir, BuxWV 15 (Buxtehude, Dietrich) for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, 2 violins, violone and continuo mixed chorus, 2 violins, violone and continuo |
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Jesu meine Freude, BuxWV 60 (Buxtehude, Dietrich) for 2 sopranos, bass, bassoon, 2 violins and continuo |
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Heu mihi Domine (Anonymous) for 4 voices and continuo 4 voices and organ |
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Salve Jesu sancte sponse (Anonymous) for 2 sopranos, alto, 2 tenors, bass, 2 violins and continuo |
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Arrangement of Lauda Jerusalem Dominum (Zeutschner, Tobias) for 2 voices, 2 violins and continuo |
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Jesu, meines Lebens Leben, BuxWV 62 (Buxtehude, Dietrich) for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, 2 violins, 2 violas, violone and continuo |
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Mundi delitiæ salvete (Bart, Guillaume) for 2 sopranos, bass, bassoon, 2 violins and continuo |
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Sonata a 6 in D minor (Buonamente, Giovanni Battista) for 4 trombones, 2 violins and continuo |
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Trio Sonata in D major (Buonamente, Giovanni Battista) for 2 violins and continuo |
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Sey nun wieder zufrieden meine Seele (Bach, Johann) for 8 voices and continuo 2 mixed chorus and continuo |
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Lieber Herr Gott, wekke uns auf (Bach, Johann Christoph) for 2 mixed chorus and continuo 2 mixed chorus and organ |
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Das Blut Jesu Christi (Bach, Johann Michael) for mixed chorus and continuo |
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Unser Leben ist ein Schatten (Bach, Johann) for 2 mixed chorus |
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Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe (Bach, Johann Michael) for mixed chorus and continuo |
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Ich weiss dass mein Erlöser lebt (Bach, Johann Michael) for mixed chorus and continuo |
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Nun hab Ich überwunden (Bach, Johann Michael) for 2 mixed chorus |
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Nun komm der Heiden Heiland (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 5 voices and continuo |
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Siehe, der Gerechte kömmt umb (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 5 voices and continuo |
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Also hat Gott Die Welt (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 6 voices and continuo |
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Jesu, mein Jesu (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 6 voices |
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Magnificat, P.246 (Pachelbel, Johann) for 4 voices and continuo |
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Lobe den Herrn (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 6 voices and continuo |
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Erbarm dich mein, O Herre Gott (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 6 voices and continuo |
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Freue dich sehr, du Tochter Zion (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 6 voices and continuo |
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Es segne dich der Gott Israel (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 6 voices and continuo |
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Gelobet sei der Herr aus Zion (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 6 voices and continuo |
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Zur selben der Zeit (Bernhard, Christoph) for 5 voices and continuo |
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Ich will den Herrn Loben allezeit (Hanff, Johann Nicolaus) for soprano, violin and continuo |
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Ich beschwere euch, ihr Töchter (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 2 sopranos, alto, 2 tenors, bass and continuo mixed chorus and continuo |
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O Domine Jesu Christe (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 2 sopranos, alto, tenor, bass and continuo |
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Das ist meine Freude (Hainlein, Paul) for 2 sopranos, 2 violins and continuo |
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Wie schön sind dein Brüste (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 6 voices and continuo |
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Paratum cor meum (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for bass and continuo |
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O bone Jesu, O piissime Jesu (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for soprano and continuo |
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O Domine, quia ego servus tuus sum (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for bass and continuo |
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Doce me, Domine (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for soprano and continuo |
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Vulnerasti cor meum (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for soprano and continuo |
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In te Domine, speravi (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for soprano and continuo |
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Cantate Domino (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for soprano and continuo |
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Lobe den Herren meine Seele (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for soprano and continuo |
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Audi Domine, et miserere mei (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for soprano and continuo |
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Inter brachia Salvatoris mei (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for soprano and continuo |
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Ergo sit nulla ratio salutis (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for soprano and continuo |
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Revertere anima mea (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for tenor, bass and continuo |
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De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for soprano and continuo |
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Anima mea liquefacta est (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for soprano and continuo |
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Wenn der Herr die Gefangenen (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for soprano and continuo |
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Confitebor tibi, Domine (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for soprano and continuo |
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Domine, quis habitabit tabernaculo tuo? (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for tenor, bass and continuo |
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Da pacem, Domine (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for continuo and 2 sopranos |
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Vater in deine Hände befehl' ich meinen Geist (Fabricius, Werner) for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and continuo |
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Habe deine Lust an dem Herrn (Zeutschner, Tobias) for soprano, 2 violins and continuo |
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Ecce nunc benedicite Domino (Zeutschner, Tobias) for alto, 2 violins and continuo |
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Gott er ist mein rechter Ernst (Richter, Johann Sigismund) for 2 mixed chorus and continuo |
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Wie mein Gott will (Kridel, Johann Christoph) for soprano, 2 violins and continuo |
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Herr, nun lässt du deinen Diener (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for mixed chorus and continuo |
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Christus hat dem Tode die Macht genommen (Anonymous) for 4 voices mixed chorus |
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Preise Jerusalem dem Herrn (Anonymous) for 4 voices mixed chorus |
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Herr auf dich traue ich (Anonymous) for 4 voices mixed chorus |
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Gott ist getreu der euch nicht lässet versuchen (Anonymous) for 4 voices mixed chorus |
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Befiehl dem Herren deine Wege (Anonymous) for 4 voices mixed chorus |
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Gott ist unsre Zuversicht und Stärke (Anonymous) for 4 voices mixed chorus |
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Danket dem Herrn (Anonymous) for 4 voices mixed chorus |
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Habe deine Lust an dem Herrn (Anonymous) for 4 voices mixed chorus |
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Gott, hilf mir; denn das Wasser gehet mir bis an die Seele (Anonymous) for 4 voices mixed chorus |
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Herr hebe an zu segnen das Haus (Anonymous) for 5 voices mixed chorus |
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Gib unsern Fürsten und aller Obrigkeit (Gundelach, Johann Christian) for 5 voices mixed chorus |
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Da pacem Domine in diebus nostris (Schmiedeknecht, Johann Matthaeus) for 8 voices 2 mixed chorus |
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Es ist in keinen andern Heil (Anonymous) for 4 voices mixed chorus |
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Freut euch des Herren ihr Gerechten (Geisthirt, Johann Konrad) for 8 voices 2 mixed chorus |
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Daran ist erschienen die Liebe Gottes (Geisthirt, Johann Konrad) for 8 voices 2 mixed chorus |
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Nun, Herr, wes soll ich mich trösten? (Grimm, Heinrich) for 8 voices and continuo 2 mixed chorus and continuo |
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Komm, Heiliger Geist (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 6 voices and continuo |
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Herzlich lieb hab' ich dich, o Herr (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 6 voices and continuo |
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Ave Maria I (Gletle, Johann Melchior) for soprano and continuo |
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Ave Maria II (Gletle, Johann Melchior) for continuo and 2 sopranos |
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Das Wort ward Fleisch (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 2 sopranos, alto, 2 tenors, bass and continuo mixed chorus and continuo |
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Ach Herr, gedenke nicht der Sünden (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 2 sopranos, alto, 2 tenors, bass and continuo mixed chorus and continuo |
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Sei willkommen, Jesulein (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 2 sopranos, alto, 2 tenors, bass and continuo mixed chorus and continuo |
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Helft mir Gottes güte preisen (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 2 sopranos, alto, 2 tenors, bass and continuo mixed chorus and continuo |
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Ach, Jesus stirbt (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 2 sopranos, alto, 2 tenors, bass and continuo mixed chorus and continuo |
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Missa (Schieferdecker, Johann Christian) for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, continuo, 2 sopranos, alto and tenor |
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Sonata for 2 Violins and Continuo (Buonamente, Giovanni Battista) for 2 violins and continuo |
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Christus ist mein Leben (Anonymous) for 8 voices and continuo 2 mixed chorus and continuo |
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Unser Herr Jesus Christ (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 6 voices and continuo mixed chorus and continuo |
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Siehe, es hat überwunden der Löwe (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 6 voices and continuo mixed chorus and continuo |
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Freundlicher, lieblicher, süssester Jesu (Hammerschmidt, Andreas) for 6 voices and continuo mixed chorus and continuo |
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Missa Tota (Baal, Johann) for mixed chorus, bassoon, 2 violins, 2 violas and continuo soprano, alto, tenor, bass, bassoon, 2 violins, 2 violas and continuo |
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Violin Sonata (Baal, Johann) for violin and continuo |
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Bone Jesu verbum Patris (Baal, Johann) for soprano and continuo tenor and continuo |
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Willkommen, O süsser Bräutigam (Geisthirt, Johann Konrad) for 2 mixed chorus |
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Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, TWV 8:7 (Telemann, Georg Philipp) for mixed chorus soprano, alto, tenor and bass |
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O fidelis et dilecte commensalis (Bouteiller, Pierre) for tenor, 2 viols and continuo |
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Wir wissen, so unser irdisches Haus (Bach, Johann Ludwig) for 2 mixed chorus 2 sopranos, 2 altos, 2 tenors and 2 basses |
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Ach Herr, ach Herr meiner Schone (Zeutschner, Tobias) for soprano, alto, tenor, 2 violins and continuo |
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Confitemini Domino (Zeutschner, Tobias) for alto, tenor, bass and continuo |
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Lauda anima mea Dominum (Zeutschner, Tobias) for 2 sopranos, 2 violins and continuo |
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Lobet den Namen des Herren (Zeutschner, Tobias) for alto, tenor, bass and continuo |
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Alles, was ist auf dieser Welt (Ritter, Christian) for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and organ mixed chorus and organ |
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Beweise Herr, deine wunderliche Güte (Zeutschner, Tobias) for 2 sopranos, alto, tenor, bass, 2 violins and continuo mixed chorus, 2 violins and continuo |
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Exaudi Domine (Zeutschner, Tobias) for mixed chorus, 2 violins and continuo |
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Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein (Ritter, Christian) for mixed chorus and continuo |
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O Domine, Jesu Christe (Zeutschner, Tobias) for 5 voices, 2 violins and continuo mixed chorus, 2 violins and continuo |
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Unde animæ meæ salus (Zeutschner, Tobias) for 2 sopranos, alto, tenor, bass, 2 violins and continuo mixed chorus and continuo |
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Hemmt eure Tränenflut (Bruhns, Nicolaus) for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, strings and continuo mixed chorus, strings and continuo |
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Amor Jesu, amantissime dulcissima (Becker, Dietrich) for soprano, violin and continuo soprano, violin and organ |
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Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (Geist, Christian) for soprano, 2 violins, viol and continuo |
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In lectulo meo (Hainlein, Paul) for 2 sopranos, 2 violins and continuo 2 sopranos, 2 violins, violone and organ |
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Magnificat (Böddecker, Philipp Friedrich) for soprano and continuo |
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O Vater aller Frommen (Böddecker, Philipp Friedrich) for soprano and continuo |
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Veni Salvator hominum (Böddecker, Philipp Friedrich) for soprano and continuo |
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Christ lag in Todesbanden (Böddecker, Philipp Friedrich) for soprano and continuo |
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Hæc est dies quam fecit Dominus (Böddecker, Philipp Friedrich) for soprano and continuo |
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Wenn ich, Herr Jesu, habe dich, BuxWV 107 (Buxtehude, Dietrich) for alto, 2 violins and continuo |
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