
Name New York: Firth and Hall
Type Music publisher


Willie (Andrews, John C.)
The Humbug'd Husband (Hutchinson Family Singers)
Arrangement of Cape Ann (Hutchinson Family Singers) for voice and piano
The Death of Warren! (Hutchinson Family Singers)
A Rock in the Wilderness (Hutchinson Family Singers)
Palo Alto Grand Military Waltz (Anonymous)
The Wreath (Baldwin, N. Andrew)
The Inconstant One (Anonymous)
Cecilia Waltz (Anonymous)
Arrangement of Pit, Pat, Pit, Pat Goes My Heart (Anonymous) for voice and piano
Come to the Woodlands (Barnett, James George)
In Our Blithe Sports (Barnett, James George)
Arrangement of The Bohemian Redowa Waltz (Bassford, Samuel William) for piano
The Lover's Star (Anonymous)

©2024 David P. Anderson